About Olivaverde
At Olivaverde we are passionate about promoting fine Extra virgin olive oil, pasta, cheeses and locally sourced foods produced by small farmers and artisans in the regions of central and southern Italy, especially the regions of Marche, Umbria and Puglia, also in Malta, Greece and Spain. Our aim to foster the appreciation and enjoyment of fine Extra virgin olive oil and other produce made by fantastic small artisan producers in these regions, and also to also educate a wider public about the benefits and differences in olive oils from these lesser known regions of Italy.
Olivaverde have been involved with the production and sale of fine olive oils for over ten years and many of our good friends are extra virgin olive oil producers in both mainland Italy and Sicily. Olivaverde supplies small delicatessens, food events, festivals and private clients in the UK and Ireland, we can also source less well known olive oils from Italy for our clients.
As well as the more commonly found blended Extra virgin olive oils we also offer organic and fine single variety olive oils which are rarely found outside of Italy, we can also offer a limited amount of biodynamic olive oils which are normally extremely hard to find. Our pasta and other fine produce are made to traditional recipes typically found in the villages and towns of Marche and the other regions of southern Italy including Puglia and Sicily.
All of our fantastic Extra virgin olive oils are produced from olives grown from both well known and lesser known local and regional indigenous olive varieties and are all bottled at source by the producers and artisan farmers involved. In the past three years Olivaverde are very pleased to have grown the number and variety of clients in the UK and increasingly in other European countries, we also are involved with students from Universities and retailers in the USA.
Olivaverde is also now working with olive oil producers from across the Mediterranean region, we are already involved with producers on the Island of Malta and increasingly making new contacts in Morocco, Tunisia and Spain. We have had several projects running since 2017, one important project is working with Slow Food groups from across the Mediterranean region including Slow Food Mediterranean who are based in Malta and Festivaldelgusto in Italy. We are working on setting up a dedicated venue on the Island of Malta where Slow Food producers from across the Mediterranean region can show case their olive oils, and where we can promote and help new and existing producers with their marketing and other aspects of their production and businesses.
Olivaverde are also working with several olive oil producers and our friends in Italy, Sicily, Greece, Spain and Malta to set up a dedicated Mediterranean olive oil academy on Malta which will be become a focal point for educational projects about extra virgin olive oil in the region. The academy team has been working on plans for courses and tours for over two years and opened our new base in Malta in the summer of 2019 and of course we will be updating our Olivaverde blog with news over the summer.

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What people say
Miriam Hayes
A very enjoyable and interesting experience, I now have a much better understanding of how fine olive oils are produced and how to appreciate them.
Paul Cameron
Our tasting course in Le Marche was more than we could have hoped for, and we look forward to taking part in another tutored tasting event in London soon.
Janet Miller
I think that anyone interested in learning more about olive oil should take part in one of the courses on offer from Olivaverde, I learnt so much and will now be coming to the new classes to be held in Norwich in 2017.
Contact Us
email: olivaverdeit@gmail.com
UK 07983 610214 Malta +0356 99504810 Italy +39 334 3256597