Olivaverde and Sustainable Cargo voyage

Olivaverde are pleased to have been asked to take part in the inaugural trading run by the Norfolk based Coastal Exploration Company who are delivering cargo by sail and oar around the north Norfolk coast in May.
The Coastal Exploration company was launched by Henry Chamberlain and provides charters of its fleet of traditional sailing boats, including foraging and camping trips around the north Norfolk coast.
The new trading route which will be called the Norfolk Gin Run aims to promote sustainable shipping as an efficient environmentally friendly way for businesses to transport their goods and the first cargo on the outward journey from Wells next the Sea to Norwich will be Norfolk Saffron, Coffee and a range of our organic olive oils supplied by us at Olivaverde.
Cargo on the return journey will be a special Norfolk gin and this will be delivered to various businesses around the north Norfolk coast.
The olive oils provided by us at Olivaverde for this first exciting trip will be the Soprano olive oil which is a fantastic Sicilian olive oil from near Trapani and olive oil from Oleficio Silvestri Rosina who are based in the Marche region of eastern Italy